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Bath Building Society Mortgages

Best Bath Building Society Mortgage Rates

Bath Building Society Mortgages

    • 4.89% Initial
    • 5 year fixed
    • 6.8% APRC
    • Cashback £0
      Free Legals
      Free Valuation
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    • 4.94% Initial
    • 2 year fixed
    • 7.3% APRC
    • Cashback £0
      Free Legals
      Free Valuation
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    • 5.14% Initial
    • 5 year fixed
    • 6.9% APRC
    • Cashback £0
      Free Legals
      Free Valuation
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    • 5.29% Initial
    • 2 year fixed
    • 7.4% APRC
    • Cashback £0
      Free Legals
      Free Valuation
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    • 5.39% Initial
    • 5 year fixed
    • 7% APRC
    • Cashback £0
      Free Legals
      Free Valuation
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    • 5.44% Initial
    • 2 year fixed
    • 7.4% APRC
    • Cashback £0
      Free Legals
      Free Valuation
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    • 5.59% Initial
    • 5 year fixed
    • 7.1% APRC
    • Cashback £0
      Free Legals
      Free Valuation
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    • 5.64% Initial
    • 2 year fixed
    • 7.4% APRC
    • Cashback £0
      Free Legals
      Free Valuation
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Representative example based on a fixed rate mortgage

A mortgage of £375,000 payable over 20 years initially on a fixed rate for 5 years at 4.38% and then at the standard variable rate of 7.65% for the remaining 15 years would require 60 monthly payments of £2,351.88 and then 180 monthly payments of £2,899.55.

The total amount payable would be £663,156.80 which includes interest and product fees of £1,124.

The overall cost for comparison is 6.5% APRC representative.

Early repayment charges may apply.

Whether a Bath Building Society mortgage might be a good fit for you will depend on your borrowing needs and personal circumstances. Make sure to familiarise yourself with the various types of lending they offer so you can be confident you are making an informed decision.

Compare Bath Building Society mortgages

If you are resident in England or Wales you may be able to apply for one of the following types of mortgage from Bath Building Society. They normally lend up to around 80% of a property’s market value but may lend up to 100% in exceptional circumstances.

Please note: Bath Building Society mortgages are not open to residents in Scotland or Northern Ireland.

First Time Buyers

Bath Building Society have a particular focus on first time buyers, including the self-employed. They offer a number of options to make buying a first home more feasible, including running a Parent Assisted Mortgage Scheme. This allows parents to help their children get on the property ladder even if they don’t have the money spare for a deposit.

Mortgages for students

Students may be able to apply for a mortgage of up to 100% from Bath Building Society, allowing them to buy a property to live in and rent out the spare rooms. The amount students can borrow will depend on the rental value of the property and may require their parents to use their own properties for collateral.

Buy to Let

If you want to buy a property specifically to rent it out, you can apply for a buy to let mortgage. The amount you can borrow will usually depend on the rental income of the property and this must equal at least 125% of the interest on the mortgage.

Loan to value ratio

For most standard mortgages, the amount you can borrow will be heavily dependant on the loan to value (LTV) ratio. This tells you how much you want to borrow on a property (including any existing loans) versus the property’s market value.

For example, if your property is valued at £100,000 and you want to take out a mortgage for £50,000, this would give you a LTV of 50%. If you then took out a subsequent loan secured on the property for £25,000, this would put your LTV at 75%.

Most lenders will offer better interest rates on deals with a lower LTV.

Find the best deals on mortgage rates

Many customers are put off from finding the best deal on their mortgage by the thought of having to shop around lots of different providers. Our mortgage calculator makes things much simpler by doing the hard work for you.

All you need to do is put in some basic information, such as your reason for borrowing, how much you need and how long for. The calculator will then show you the best deals we have found from across the market that match your requirements. Head to the top of the page to try it out now.

Independent Mortgage Advice

Remortgaging is particularly popular at the moment as interest rates are low.

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Whether it will be a good idea for you to remortgage depends on a number of factors, including your goals and your personal circumstances.

However, in general, if interest rates are lower than you are currently paying on your mortgage, it may be a good time to remortgage.

If interest rate are higher than you are currently paying, it may be better to look at other options, such as a second mortgage or a personal loan (if you aim is to borrow more).

If you are not sure whether now is the right time to remortgage, it is a good idea to speak to an independent mortgage broker who will be able to offer impartial advice on Bath BS mortgages as well as other lenders.

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on a mortgage or any other debt secured on it.

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